revere — Blog | Legion Paper


Kerik Kouklis on Revere Platinum

Fine art photographer and master printer, Kerik Kouklis, has been testing and using our Revere Platinum paper for quite some time.  Here's his report excerpted from his blog:

"In other very good news, Legion Paper is bringing back one of my all-time favorites, Revere Platinum. Although it used to be somewhat inconsistent, the currently-retired Revere Platinum was one of the best papers I ever used when it was good. Magnani, the 600-year-old Italian paper mill that made the paper went out of business a couple years ago. I don't know who the new manufacturer is, but the few samples I've tried have printed extremely well. It's a little heavier at 320 gsm and has a pleasant off-white color without being too yellow.

I've made both straight platinum/palladium and gum over platinum/palladium prints with this paper that are just beautiful. This paper also required pre-shrinking for multiple layer printing. In fact, double-shrink may be necessary. I am still testing... I believe this paper will also be available in the next 4 to 6 weeks from Bostick & SullivanNY Central Art SupplyTalas and others.

My understanding is that the price of this paper will be roughly 30% less than Arches Platine. Michael Ginsberg from Legion Paper has pursued this tirelessly and my hat is off to him for making it happen. The man is passionate about paper and he's been in the business a long time. Here are a couple of sample prints on the new Revere Platinum."  

All images, Kerik Kouklis

10x12 Palladium Print on Revere Platinum

10x12 Gum Bichromate Over Palladium Print on Revere Platinum

ENJOY your weekend!

Enjoy your weekend! We look foward to the National Stationery Show starting Sunday 5/18! Come check out our booth #3330 from Sunday to Wednesday 10am-6pm. 

E is for E cards suck, Farewell Paperie, Crane's Lettra Cover Fluorescent White 220

N is for Notebook Paper, a. favorite DesignRevere Silk Bisque 300gsm

J (The History of), Life is Funny Press, Arches Natural White 640gsm

O is for Opulence, Paper Boat Studios, Kochi Natural 119gsm

Y is for Yogurt, Pepper Press, Coventry Rag Vellum White 320gsm

Do you know your ABC's for the 2014 Stationery Show?

Wondering what the next Stationery Show promotional project will be? Hope you know your ABC's for our FOURTH annual Stationery Show project!

Organized by Flywheel Press and sponsored by Legion, we are all super excited to watch this year’s project grow to become our best yet! As 27 different fine art papers were sent out, 26 Alphabet cards are beginning to fly in from amazing designers (who are allNSS exhibitors).

As done in the past, attendees of NSS will participate in a scavenger hunt to collect all 26 letters. Once you have A through Z, stop by Legion's booth (3330) to stack your cards in packaging created by Lady Pilot Letterpress.  

The National Stationery Show is just around the corner (May 18th) and we are ready to blow you away with our ABC’s.

To the left is a sneak preview to some of the many cards we are recieving for the 2014 Stationery Show by Albertine Press, A Favorite Design, The Nic Studio and Sugarcube Press. 

Stayed posted to our FacebookTwitter and Blog for more info on our Alphabet cards! Designer list with their booth numbers will be coming soon! 

Free Printmaking demo with Bruce Waldman

Join us Thursday (August 29) at 11:30am at the new Chelsea NYC Dick Blick for a free printmaking demo by Bruce Waldman. Bruce will be explaining his techniques, workflow and, of course, the Revere and Stonehenge paper he uses to create his masterpieces.

Dick Blick Artist Supplies
6th Avenue/20th Street

Bruce is a world-renowned illustrator, graphic designer and printmaker who exhibits extensively in New York City and beyond. He has been teaching at the School of Visual Arts for more than 25 years, is a member of The Board of Govenors of the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, and a Director of The New York Society of Etchers. His prints are in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The New York Public Library, The Art Institute of Chicago, The New York Historical Society, The Bronx Zoological Museum, The Royal Collection, London, The Library of Congress, Washington DC, The Housatonic Museum of Art in Connecticut, and The New York Transit Museum.

BINGO Papers...Round Three

Almost all the tokens have arrived for the NSS 2013 BINGO FOR TWO promo project.  Now we go through the process of collating.  Here are some that just came in:

Fig. 2 Design Studio, Embossed on Rives BFK White, 300gsm

Maginating, Foil Stamped on Rising Museum Board Black, 4-ply

L2 Design, Letterpress on Revere Suede Warm White, 300gsm

Sugarcube Press, Letterpress on Pescia Gray, 300gsm and Lanaquarelle CP, 300lb