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Get Your Alphabet Cards While they last!



2 days left to participate in the Alphabet Cards Scavenger Hunt at the National Stationery Show.

T is for Tiny Things, Old Tom Foolery, 300gsm Bockingford Watercolor White

R is for Rainbow, Flywheel Press, Mohawk Via Vellum 100C Cool White

D is for D Train, The Nic Studio, Legion Bamboo Digital White 265gsm

C is for Community,Tradeshow Bootcamp, Mohawk Options Smooth 100% PC White 130dtc

H is for Hell Yeah!, Pistachio Press, Plike Blue 122 Cover

Do you know your ABC's for the 2014 Stationery Show?

Wondering what the next Stationery Show promotional project will be? Hope you know your ABC's for our FOURTH annual Stationery Show project!

Organized by Flywheel Press and sponsored by Legion, we are all super excited to watch this year’s project grow to become our best yet! As 27 different fine art papers were sent out, 26 Alphabet cards are beginning to fly in from amazing designers (who are allNSS exhibitors).

As done in the past, attendees of NSS will participate in a scavenger hunt to collect all 26 letters. Once you have A through Z, stop by Legion's booth (3330) to stack your cards in packaging created by Lady Pilot Letterpress.  

The National Stationery Show is just around the corner (May 18th) and we are ready to blow you away with our ABC’s.

To the left is a sneak preview to some of the many cards we are recieving for the 2014 Stationery Show by Albertine Press, A Favorite Design, The Nic Studio and Sugarcube Press. 

Stayed posted to our FacebookTwitter and Blog for more info on our Alphabet cards! Designer list with their booth numbers will be coming soon!