Flywheel Press — Blog | Legion Paper

Flywheel Press

Get Your Alphabet Cards While they last!



2 days left to participate in the Alphabet Cards Scavenger Hunt at the National Stationery Show.

T is for Tiny Things, Old Tom Foolery, 300gsm Bockingford Watercolor White

R is for Rainbow, Flywheel Press, Mohawk Via Vellum 100C Cool White

D is for D Train, The Nic Studio, Legion Bamboo Digital White 265gsm

C is for Community,Tradeshow Bootcamp, Mohawk Options Smooth 100% PC White 130dtc

H is for Hell Yeah!, Pistachio Press, Plike Blue 122 Cover

And finally...ClearBags goes BINGO

We're a couple days away to the opening day of the Stationery Show and we wanted to give a shout-out to the great people @Clearbags (booth #3174) who supplied us with these awesome gold boxes that contain the entire BINGO FOR TWO kits.

For those who don't know about Clearbags, they're the ones who create all those crystal clear...well, bags! As you can see they also make a bunch of things beyond bags, including the glassine envelopes shown here and printed by Amber over @FlywheelPress.

Thanks Clearbags (Katie and Danny) for all your support!

BINGO Papers...Round Four

The BINGO FOR TWO kits are just about complete. Here is another batch of creativity:

Sapling Press, Letterpress and Laser on Mohawk Via Vellum Cyan, 80lb

Power and Light Press, Letterpress on Cosmos Blotting, 360gsm

Pei Design, Letterpress on Arches Watercolor HP white, 300lb

Blackbird Letterpress, Letterpress on Savoy Bright White & Natural, 319gsm and 638gsm

Flywheel Press, Letterpress on Curious Metallics Red Lacquer, 300gsm

Kelp Designs, HP Indigo digital printing on Legion Textured Digital, 95lb

Stationery Show BINGO Project

Get ready to be bedazzled!

The (third!) annual Stationery Show promotional project is going to be bigger, better and flashier than anything we've done in the past.  We proudly present BINGO FOR TWO!

Organized by Flywheel Press and sponsored by Legion, the BINGO FOR TWO project features 22 designers (who are all NSS Exhibitors), printing on 28 different fine art papers using a variety of printing techniques (Letterpress, Digital, Foil, Offset).

As in year's past, attendees at the NSS will participate in a Scavenger Hunt to collect all 32 Bingo Tokens from each designer's booth (see list of participants below).  

Once all the tokens have been collected, swing by the Legion Paper booth #3074 to collect the Bingo Boards and box.

As we count down to the Stationery Show (May 19th, baby!) we'll post more pics and videos of this project.


We're super excited to be working with these exceptional designers and printers and know you'll be impressed with this year's project.