Coventry Rag | Legion Paper

Coventry Rag

Shepard Fairey, Obama Hope, 2008
Stencil, collage, and acrylic on Coventry Rag Vellum 320gsm paper, 60 X 44

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We created Coventry Rag in 1971 to meet the demands & specifications of artists and silkscreen printers. 

The challenge was to create a paper able to take printing overlays in excess of 50-75 colors and have incredible dimensional stability so as not to compromise registration. Coventry was the fruit of our efforts and for over four decades it’s performed flawlessly. 

Coventry is internally sized with a modest amount of surface sizing so while it’s predominantly used for serigraphy, it’s also making a great choice for fine art offset lithography. The two surfaces - a textured vellum and a smooth make it an excellent drawing paper for all pencil techniques, pastel and charcoal. 

The paper takes embossing, gold or silver foil stamping and was the favorite and reliable sheet for all of Erte's silkscreen fashion art pieces in the 1970s & 1980s.


  • Made in USA

  • 100% Cotton

  • Neutral pH

  • Acid Free

  • Internal sizing

  • Buffered with calcium carbonate

  • Specialty Paper



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