Legion Paper - Arturo Stats with Good Juju Ink!

Arturo Stats with Good Juju Ink!

Good Juju Ink chose Arturo Buttercream 260gsm for their NSS Class of 70 trading card. Here's why...

How did you come to select the paper you used? Have you worked with it before?

I selected the Arturo Buttercream because I've only had a limited experience working with colored paper as a medium for dual printing processes (foil stamping + four color digital), and I was genuinely excited to use this project as an excuse to branch out from what I'm used to! In this particular situation, I wanted a yellow paper with texture to give the trading card that "old school"/vintage vibe of ye olde paper goods. I wanted an authentic mellow yellow for our class of '70!

What was your experience with the paper? 

Since I'd never used the Arturo Buttercream, I was a little skeptical of how it would take to the digital printing...but it turned out spectacularly. The colors showed up crystal clear and maintained the richness of pigmentation they would have had on white paper, and the "Golden Gate Bridge" orange foil pressed beautifully atop the texture of this thick stock. 

How did the paper affect the design of your baseball card?

While I created the design before I knew what paper I would be using, I can honestly say the paper was what made the card's design truly some of my best work.  It has given me the confidence (and the excitement!!) to move forward with using more colored papers in the future.  The paper adds such a level of sophistication, whimsy, and genre authenticity that you simply can't reproduce using your average printer's house stock---I can't believe I haven't dabbled in the realm of colored papers until now. This could not have been a better experience.