What’s your paper of choice? It really depends on the work I’m doing. For professional work, I usually use Arches Cold Press and Rough Press 140lb watercolor paper. For ink and watercolor pieces, I like to use Legion Stonehenge Aqua 140lb cold press paper. It has a smoother finish and doesn't snag.
What is your style of work? How does this affect the paper you choose? It depends as I do like to change things up from time to time. But typically, I do a lot of wet on wet and not so much fine detail. This means I need paper that doesn't buckle so I prefer to work with blocks. I also prefer paper with a bit of texture for absorbency and softer blends. There are times when I work with ink or calligraphy so I also need a different type of paper that wont ruin my pens. In this case, I look for paper that has most of the qualities I'm used to but with a smoother finish.
What criteria/standards do you look for in a paper? I prefer paper that is 100% cotton, and textured for my wet on wet washes. For professional work, I want paper that is of archival quality. This ensures that my clients are receiving paintings that will last for years without changes in coloration.
What is your process in choosing a paper? I don't do anything fancy. I just paint with it a few times. If I find the paper is working against me--I don't use it again.
Choosing paper is such a personal decision. Especially because everyone paints differently with a varying amount of water and paint, you really have to try out paper to see what works for you. I really believe that paper is the most important supply when it comes to watercolor. A good paper can work with you, a lower quality paper can cause frustration. So see what's out there and don't choose something solely based on one artist's opinion.