Japanese Papers | Legion Paper
Image Courtesy Harold Davis

Image Courtesy Harold Davis

Japanese made papers

For just under 1500 years, Japan has been producing handmade paper in a volume and variety that is second to none. Washi is the Japanese term for handmade paper produced in the traditional manner. Paper exists harmoniously, and essential to life, and the Japanese have long cherished and respected the handmade sheet. This is only natural, as the earliest Japanese papers were primarily used for religious writings.

Unfortunately, this demanding and labor-intensive craft of washi is not supported by Japan's current affluence. Today young people have little desire to toil all day with their hands in cold water in this labor intensive process, leaving the future of these beautiful handmade papers in doubt.

Below are the Japanese papers that we curated from the thousands we have access to through our mill partners. Contact us if you are looking for something special.

Japanese Papers

List of Corresponding Papers