Sekishu | Legion Paper


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Sekishu is thin, wispy and delicate in feel, but has great strength for its weight.

It is unsized and a great choice for relief printing. Its strength also makes it a popular paper for book production, repair and restoration of art as well as lampshades or shoji screens.

Sekishu is made from locally cultivated mulberry fibers which are harvested from living mulberry trees - without harming the tree. The outer layer of bark is taken off the tree and the fibers taken from the “back” side of the bark.

It is named after its place of origin, Sekishu in the Iwami area of the Shimane Prefecture. It is one of the oldest of the handmade kozo papers, having been made in Iwami for about 1,300 years. It was designated an ‘Important Intangible Cultural Property’ in 1969.


  • Handmade in Japan

  • Kozo/sulphite

  • Neutral pH

  • 4 deckles

  • Laid pattern

  • Delicate feel, great wet strength



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