Hosho Student & Hosho Professional | Legion Paper


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This handmade paper from Japan has been a staple in the fine art printmaking world seemingly forever.

Hosho is one of the "treasured" handmade papers being manufactured in Japan. That said, due to the ever-changing handmade papermaking craft in Japan there are several different qualities of this grade being produced and their quality with regard to fiber composition and surface texture will differ depending on the maker. We've been using the same papermaker for decades so we can ensure the quality of our hosho.

This wonderful paper, although a sulphite sheet, is still quite strong. The Hosho "student" quality has a bit more texture than the Hosho "professional" quality which is noticeably smoother with a less fibrous feel. 

Both the "student" and the "professional" qualities do overlap with regard to their application, both being suitable for printmaking and archival restoration. The lack of sizing without compromising overall surface strength make both these papers perfect for etching, hand lithography and woodblock printing. 

Conservators find both qualities to be excellent for backing and hinging fine art in the framing process. 


  • Made in Japan

  • Hosho Professional is handmade

  • Acid free

  • Neutral pH

  • 4 natural deckles

  • Very strong

  • Specialty Paper



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