Acquerello by Magnani | Legion Paper

Acquerello by Magnani

Acquerello Italia (CP)

Acquerello portofino (hP)

Acquerello TOSCANA (ROUGH)


Acquerello is a range of 100% cotton Italian mouldmade watercolor papers available in two weights and surface textures.

This range was created specifically with wet media application in mind, however it differs from its counterpart watercolor papers (it is not as hard and stiff to the touch). 

The cold press (Italia) is unique in that it doesn't have the deep texture of most cold press watercolor papers. This lends itself to be a paper that has overlapping suitability for other mediums such as graphite, colored and watercolor pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempura and acrylic. 

It has also found its way into printmaking being suitable for both etching and intaglio. The paper is not heavily sized, therefore it does not require long soaking times.

The hot press (Portofino) has the same sizing characteristics as the CP surface but offers a surface that is appropriate for pen and ink, calligraphy, pencil and silkscreen. 

This is a streamlined range of watercolor paper that provides the artist unlimited versatility for multiple mediums.

The unique round block is a first of its kind in the art market redefining the normal boundaries of watercolor painting.  Working within a circular format enhances an artist's perspective, inviting new ways to compose a work of art.  A finished piece framed within a square boundary plays elegantly off the two shapes. These attractive blocks come with a carrying bag.


  • Mouldmade in Italy

  • 100% Cotton

  • Neutral pH

  • Acid Free

  • Chlorine Free

  • 4 deckles (sheets)

  • Internally & externally sized for watercolor

  • Specialty Paper



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